The Underestimated 4th Trimester: Taking Care of Yourself and Your Baby

By: Emily Graham

Having a baby is an incredibly exciting time, but who are we to pretend that it’s not a bit overwhelming? As a new mom, you’re adjusting to an entirely new way of life, and it can be tough to know how to care for yourself and your baby simultaneously.

The first three months after your baby is born are referred to as the fourth trimester. While it can be an amazing time of bonding with Baby, it can also be thoroughly challenging. Below, we discuss some of the most common difficulties and some tips for taking good care of yourself and your new bundle of joy!

The Most Common Difficulties

The fourth trimester tends to come with a range of difficulties, including postpartum depression, sleep deprivation, and breastfeeding challenges. It’s crucial to remember that it’s normal to struggle during this time, and it’s OK to ask for help.

Be sure to lean on your support system, whether that is your partner, family members, or friends. Don’t hesitate to ask for their help with cooking meals, running errands, or taking care of the baby so you can get some much-needed rest.

Spending Less Time at Work 

One of the biggest struggles of the fourth trimester is balancing work with your caregiving responsibilities. If you can, take some time off of work or reduce your hours. This will give you more time to bond with Baby and adjust to your new life as a mother. If you’re a business owner, be sure to notify your clients about your time off, and determine whether to hire a virtual assistant to keep things running smoothly.

Getting Quality Sleep

Sleep deprivation is one of the biggest challenges of the fourth trimester, and it can be dangerous. It’s tough to get a full night’s sleep with a new baby, but there are ways to maximize the sleep you do get.

Here are a few ideas:

  • Create a comfortable sleep environment with blackout curtains and white noise.
  • Take naps when your baby is sleeping.
  • Try to get some fresh air throughout the day.
  • Exercise in short bursts a few times each day.
  • Give yourself at least half an hour to wind down before bedtime.
  • Invest in sleep-promoting products like blackout curtains and a white noise machine (always read up on reviews before making a purchase).

Staying Organized at Home

With all the craziness that comes with having a new baby, it can feel impossible to stay organized. Create a system for keeping track of your baby’s medical records, including their immunization schedule and any doctor’s appointments. 

If you convert all your files to PDFs, you can use a free tool for merging multiple files without hassle to keep everything in one place. Then, you can move your PDF pages in the order you want them and easily share information with your doctors.

You might want to create a schedule for feeding and changing your baby so that you can stay on top of your household tasks. And don’t forget to give yourself some grace; it’s OK if things don’t always go according to plan!

Taking Regular Walks

Going for walks after your baby is born offers numerous benefits, including promoting weight loss, improving cardiovascular fitness, strengthening and toning muscles, and supporting mental well-being. To ensure that you get your daily steps in, it is recommended to search for an area with a Walk Score of 70 or above.

Wrapping Up

The first trimester is a crucial time for bonding with your baby, but many moms also experience it as a storm. Taking care of yourself and your baby while seeking out support will help you make the most of this special time. And you’ll come out on the other side feeling stronger and more confident as a mother. Don’t forget to ask for help if you need it, and remember that taking care of yourself is vital to being the best mom for your newborn!

Mirella Alexis can provide in-home postpartum doula support and one-on-one parenting education to support you during the 4th trimester.

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